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About Me

Hi! It's me, Kristin! I'm so glad you found my corner of the world where I create with my hands and heart.
family portrait of everyone enjoying ice cream on the BDI bridge
I love sipping coffee in silence, cooking from scratch and caring for my indoor jungle. My four children—ranging in age from 7-16—are growing up so fast, and keeping up with them sure does a body good. My husband is self employed and together we run his tile installation business. Our dream of having our own slice of forest has come true, and I look forward to making choices that will see us living a more self-sustaining and regenerative lifestyle.

Kristin Buhler Design has humble beginnings. Looking back, it’s funny how things evolve...

I started making jewellery while pregnant with our second child, sometime around the end of 2009. My job at the time wasn't very fulfilling and my creative self had been missing for too long. While purging 'stuff'—purposefully small homes force a family to be choosy about what is necessary!—I came across some handmade glass beads I had used to decorate the basket for cards at our wedding. I thought the beads would make a lovely pair of earrings, however, I didn't have any tools or materials to make that happen. I took a trip to my local bead supply store, purchased the necessary items, plus a bit more, and made some earrings. That felt good! And they looked good! And somebody wanted to buy them!! I went back to the store and bought more beads... My husband lovingly donated an unused tackle box so I could organize my small stash. I quickly outgrew the small tackle box and upgraded to something with drawers and compartments. And soon that wasn't big enough! Next, I claimed a corner of our basement for my jewellery bench. I had beads, I had wire, but that still wasn't quite satisfying my creative urges.

Curiosity led me down many an Instagram rabbit trail where I discovered talented artisans from all over the world who, like me, were compelled to make, to tell stories with the fruits of their hands. I began to look beyond beads and wire wrapping. I wanted more. I wanted to play with fire!

My journey with fire started on June 10th, of 2013, at my kitchen table. Thank goodness for a local artisan who very patiently answered all of my never-ending questions, gave me lists of what to buy, and plenty of advice on what to try. YouTube videos have also been a great resource.

Since those humble beginnings we have moved to a slightly larger house. When we bought the bigger house my husband promised me my own space, and to show how serious he was, my studio was the first room to be created in our newly renovated basement. Two of our four children still share a room—that's what makes for tight sisters, right! 

Making time for my jewellery is a challenge, the demands of being a stay-at-home momma come first. With the help of our wonderful parents, I look forward to occasional days to myself, which I spend filling orders and playing at my bench.

It is important to me to create jewellery that will become cherished heirlooms, whether it's a simple stacking ring or an elaborate custom piece. I enjoy the challenges my fabulous customers bring to me. Problem solving and learning new techniques is fuel for my fire.